Covid notice: Primary contact to Kindergarten Metsäpirtti via phone or e-mail.
The admissions application is submitted electronically.
We will call and invite you for an admission interview and visit.

Since 1987
Kindergarten METSÄPIRTTI
Happy children
caring adults and
the joy of
Fun Learning together!
Sibling mixed-age home group
A relaxed, activity driven day rhythm
All meals prepared in our own kitchen
Social emotional care and building friendship skills at core focus
Warm and approachable,
also among adults
Every day every child
is appreciated for who they are
In a small kindergarten, we all know each other
Kindergarten events, celebrations and parents' theme nights
Our goal is overall wellbeing and a good everyday life
Happy and professional
Fun learning all day, everyday
The adults of Metsäpirtti are united by empowerment, joy and meaningfulness of our work
We are proud early childhood education professionals

About us
Kindergarten Metsäpirtti is small and homelike
private kindergarten for 35 children.
We have two mixed-age sibling groups for 1-5 year old children. Meals are prepared in our own kitchen. Outdoor activities play a significant role, there is also an outdoor group for 4-5 year olds.
The pedagogical emphasis of the kindergarten highlits the experiential based Fun Learning approach. English becomes familiar as a part of the everyday learning environment, mainly through songs, stories and daily phrases.